Aug 18 2020 13:32:23

Epic vs. Apple. There is one aspect that always baffles me: if you do not want to follow the platform's rules, why do you invest in it? I would say it is opportunistic behavior, but experience tells me that it is normal behavior for a company. But this one is key, citing John Gruber:

The thing is, Epic isn't just a game publisher. They're a platform vendor too. One of the core things developers want from a platform vendor is stability, in every sense of the word. If I were a game developer who depends on Unreal Engine, I'd be irate at Epic. They're creating drama and eroding trust over a fight that Unreal Engine licensees aren't a part of and didn't sign up for. Fortnite users - especially kids - might blame Apple for Fortnite disappearing from iOS. But professional game developers will blame Epic if Unreal Engine updates are hindered by this.

via daring fireball

This was my first thought: good thing I don't use Unreal Engine.


All Content © 2024 João Mesquita except mentioned #foundobject

Mesquita, João (2020). Nó Górdio - Aug 18 2020 13:32:23. Retrieved from Last accessed in 05-02-2025.

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