Oct 21 2023 14:21:13

this week i was asked - directly - how i got to where i am. not that i think i'm in any important position, but how did i get there?

never though much about it.

it's true that in the years i've been teaching, i've noticed that most students are not interested in learning what i teach, but are more interested in knowing how i got to where i am and if i have contacts in this or that industry. and if i don't focus my teaching on that then they don't pay attention.

i can't help them succeed.

but when i was asked this week, i spent a few minutes thinking about it.

and the answer is that when an opportunity arose, it happened that i was the best prepared person to take it. even when i wasn't the ideal choice i became the ideal choice because i was the best available.

and the way i became the best available is because i put in the hours, learning everything i could about what interested me. being prepared in those moments of oportunity for me is a consequence of that.

and i realized that's still what i do every day.


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Mesquita, João (2023). Nó Górdio - Oct 21 2023 14:21:13. Retrieved from http://nogordio.com/permalink/1697898073. Last accessed in 08-09-2024.

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